
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Good morning mommas!

I have recently checked off an item from my bucket list. I have created a local business selling my homemade Desserts to family and friends and have made enough money so far to help do small things for my son and pay some bills. Heres a few pics of my goodies... *excuse the poor quality. Still saving for a dslr.

Pumpkins tres leche cake
Chocolate covered strawberries
Pumpkin cheese cake truffles.

Im open to more recipe suggestions thatd be a hit this season and are rare sellers. Comment or connect with me on my Facebook page Sugar Coat It Desserts
I am also open to learn the fastest cheapest most efficient way to ship these products.... suggestions on how to ship perishable deaserts?

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Bubble Guppies Halloween theme Party

its a year later and much has rumbled in my life and marriage but heres the party pics I promised :) cake and all decor made  by me